“Since Our Lord dwells in our souls, His prayer belongs to us, and I wish to live in communion with it unceasingly, keeping myself like a little vase at the Source, at the Fountain of life …”
Read MoreThe Greek word that our translation renders as “burdened” literally means “pulled away”; Martha’s anxiety over her “to-do list” was actually pulling her heart and attention away from Jesus. This is a classic example of how the devil loves to take a thing that is good in itself and make it into an obstacle, by encouraging us to place excessive focus on it.
Read MoreThere is rarely a dull moment around here — we have yet another piece of exciting news to share with you all! On August 15th, our own Sr. Frances Marie of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus will profess her PERPETUAL VOWS as a Passionist Nun!
Read MoreAs we mentioned in our previous post, Aspirant Hannah has now officially entered the monastery! On May 31st, she knelt at the enclosure door with her parents for the simple but beautiful entrance ceremony.
Read MoreUnlike the elections most people are familiar with, a monastic election does not involve campaigning, lobbying, or opposing parties seeking to gain power and influence. Quite the contrary! The members of the Chapter are seeking to choose the leadership that God Himself wills for the community in the coming three years.
Read MoreWe are always excited to bring you a new edition of our newsletter, “From the Foot of the Cross.” However, this time we are particularly eager, because of the BIG NEWS we’re sharing about our Cherish the Flame Campaign!
Read MoreWell, it finally happened. Last week, two and a half years after the COVID-19 pandemic first gripped the globe, the pesky virus found its way into our cloister. Please keep our community in prayer as we take our turn carrying this unique cross!
Read MoreWhile most people would not phrase it so bluntly, this assumption lies at the root of many critiques of contemplative life. After all, isn’t it like being on a “perpetual retreat,” detached from the cares of the world, dreamily unconcerned about anything but one’s own growth in holiness?
Read MoreThanks to a number of generous friends and family, our flower gardens are particularly vibrant this year with donated blooms! We thought you might enjoy a “walking tour” of some of our monastery’s natural beauty this time of year.
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again — the great solemnity of Corpus Christi is this Sunday! As always, we will be holding our 40 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration here at the monastery from Sunday through Tuesday. We would love it if you could join us in honoring our Sacramental Lord!
Read MoreSt. Peter writes in his first epistle that we are “partakers in the divine nature,” and St. Paul repeatedly asserts that all those who are baptized are filled with the very Spirit of God. How would it change our approach to evangelization and catechesis if we fully grasped the implications of this awe-inspiring truth?
Read More“Are you sure you want to enter a monastery? You have so much to offer the Church and the world!”
“How could someone as beautiful and intelligent as yourself want to lock yourself away for life?”
“What a waste!”
“I have strong confidence in God that He will pour the gifts of the Holy Spirit into your heart with greater fullness at the coming solemnity of Pentecost.”
Read MoreToday begins the Great Novena of Pentecost, where we unite ourselves to Mary and the Apostles as they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit. You can join us in our nine days of imploring Christ to send “the Promise of the Father” upon His Church!
Read MoreIn the homily he delivered for our May Vespers service, Deacon Bruce beautifully explored the life of St. Gemma and the lessons she teaches us about the “Gospel of suffering,” to use St. John Paul II’s term. Why do good people suffer? How can a good God allow all the suffering in our world? What is the connection between our suffering and that of Jesus?
Read MoreSt. John could have truthfully written that “The dwelling of God is in the heavens, and He will reign as sovereign forever.” However, what the Lord said to him was rather different: “The dwelling of God is with the human race. He will dwell with them … and God Himself will always be with them as their God.” Of all the features He could have chosen to highlight in His description of the new creation, God focuses on His closeness to humanity.
Read MoreThis third “nun myth” is more than just a myth — it can actually be one of the Devil’s insidious ways of blocking a religious vocation! Like many other misconceptions, it seems quite reasonable at first glance: the religious life, especially the cloistered contemplative life, is a very high calling, and it would seem that only those who have reached a considerable degree of holiness should even be allowed to consider such a vocation.
Read MoreTo all mothers …
Like Jesus the Good Shepherd, you are called to guide and nurture those under your care — whether as a physical or as a spiritual mother, or both. THANK YOU for saying “yes” to your call!
Read MoreThe great “feast of feasts” was two weeks ago today … but the celebration is far from over! Holy Mother Church wants to make sure her children prolong the observance of Easter, and so the liturgies during these 50 days of joy are replete with that victorious Resurrection cry: Alleluia!
Read MoreOne of the most striking parts of the Easter Vigil liturgy is the blessing of the “new fire.” The orange flames leaping into the dark sky are a vivid image of the power of the Resurrection, by which Christ, the Light of the World, shatters the darkness of our sin and death.
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