Despite an unusually cold and snowy February, we’re already looking forward to planting some items in our garden - thanks to the ingenuity and generosity of one young man!
Read MoreOn this day so associated with love, we pray that each of you would experience the love of our Crucified and Risen Savior in a special way!
Read MoreAs contemplatives, we strive to see God’s love in all things - and some days, this is easier than others. We recently had an unusual amount of snowfall for our area … so unusual that it merited not one, but TWO free afternoons to enjoy this Epiphanytide gift from our Divine Bridegroom!
Read MoreOn October 8th, we held a half-day Gaudeamus celebration in honor of our monastery’s 78th anniversary of foundation. Among the entertainment for the occasion was a clever game designed by Sr. Bethany Marie. We enjoyed it so much that we thought you’d like to try it out too!
Read MoreFor years we’ve been trying to “spruce up” the plants and rocks that were already there, but things just weren’t working out. So this spring, our friends Jean and Terry, and an army of other generous volunteers, helped to give that area an “extreme makeover!”
Read MoreOn this Thanksgiving Day, we are profoundly grateful for all God’s blessings to us — and especially for each one of you. Your love and prayerful support of our Passionist mission meant the world to us.
Read MoreToday Mother Church celebrates one of the early Apostolic Fathers. Though not perhaps as well-known as his 16th-century namesake (St. Ignatius Loyola), Ignatius of Antioch was an amazing Saint who deserves more attention than he receives!
Read MoreThis year, Mother John Mary delighted us all by calling a full Gaudeamus day for Labor Day! We grilled out, played lawn games, and enjoyed one another’s company — but one event was the center of particular excitement: the first annual PASSIONIST PENTATHLON!
Read MoreJuly is almost over already, but we didn’t want to miss the chance to share some pictures from our annual Independence Day Gaudeamus!
Read MoreThis spring and summer have seen a lot of busyness in one particular corner of the monastery grounds … because we’ve started a vegetable garden!
Read MoreSpring in Kentucky is a glorious time — dogwoods and redbuds are blooming, the days are getting longer and warmer, and all sorts of birds are returning from their winter “vacation” farther south. New life is bursting forth at every turn, as if to join in our Easter celebrations of Christ’s Resurrection.
Read MoreAlleluia! He is Risen! May the peace of the Risen Christ fill your hearts and minds this sacred day. Know that you and your loved ones are held in our prayers today and always.
Read More"I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them.”
Read MoreOn January 18th, plaid shirts and straw hats could once again be seen around St. Joseph’s … that’s right, our monastic hillbilly band, Transluminous Obscurity, is back! What’s more, we were able to debut a couple of new members: Dill Emma and Miss Kris! (You might know them better as Aspirants Emma and Kristin Marie …)
Read MoreToday Holy Mother Church begins a new liturgical year as she always does: crying, “Come, Lord Jesus!” We pray that this Advent season will be a time of deep renewal for you in your own walk with the Lord.
Read MoreI know what you’re thinking … “They misspelled ‘Clementine’!” Well, as a matter of fact, the unusual spelling is 100% intentional … Introducing Clementein, our new einkorn sourdough starter! Wait, what does that mean?? Perhaps a little explanation is in order …
Read MoreTo all mothers …
Like Jesus the Good Shepherd, you are called to guide and nurture those under your care — whether as a physical or as a spiritual mother, or both. THANK YOU for saying “yes” to your call!
Read MoreOne of the most striking parts of the Easter Vigil liturgy is the blessing of the “new fire.” The orange flames leaping into the dark sky are a vivid image of the power of the Resurrection, by which Christ, the Light of the World, shatters the darkness of our sin and death.
Read MoreOur dear Mother Catherine Marie recently returned to Italy after spending several months at her “old Kentucky home”. However, we didn’t want to let her “slip away” quietly! Thus, the day before Mother was to leave, we organized a special event in her honor: a monastery talent show!
Read MoreThe final day of the Year of St. Joseph brought a larger-than-usual band of chalk-wielding hooligans descending upon our patio for their annual sidewalk inscriptions. Inspired by a series of talks from Dr. Brant Pitre on St. Joseph, the monastic rogues were determined to depict St. Joseph, Chaste Spouse of Mary and Terror of Demons!
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