Posts in Contemplative Life
A Closer Look at the HFW: Portico

The next room in our tour of the Holy Family Wing isn’t really a “room” at all - but it is a very cherished part of our new community spaces nonetheless. The portico (covered porch), which extends its cloister walkway “arms” around the entire new wing, has become a popular site for prayer, recreation, and simply enjoying the beauty of God’s creation.

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Nun Myths Debunked: You Have to Be Perfect

This third “nun myth” is more than just a myth — it can actually be one of the Devil’s insidious ways of blocking a religious vocation! Like many other misconceptions, it seems quite reasonable at first glance: the religious life, especially the cloistered contemplative life, is a very high calling, and it would seem that only those who have reached a considerable degree of holiness should even be allowed to consider such a vocation.

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Nun Myths Debunked: Only Introverts?

“I don’t know … you just don’t seem like the ‘nun type.’ You’re so outgoing! Isn’t it the quiet, shy, pious girls that usually enter a cloister?” This very common myth sounds at first like a “no-brainer.” It seems quite reasonable to assume that those who are called to a life of silence, solitude, and prayer would all be introverts.

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