"Entrust yourself entirely to God. He is a Father and a most loving Father at that …”
Read More“I have strong confidence in God that He will pour the gifts of the Holy Spirit into your heart with greater fullness at the coming solemnity of Pentecost.”
Read More“Let us make ourselves as children with Jesus … let us be humble and simple as children by an exact obedience, by purity of heart, by love of holy poverty …”
Read MoreListen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, the sun, and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise, of God …
Read MoreOftentimes, our novitiate members will prepare a Lenten project to help us all enter more deeply into the spirit of this season of greater prayer and penance. This year’s project shines a spotlight on the wisdom of St. Paul of the Cross.
Read MoreOn January 30th, we were blessed to host the Passionist Jubilee Icon and special relic of our founder, St. Paul of the Cross, as it makes its way around the world during the Tricentennial celebration of the Passionist Congregation.
Read MoreAs we move with the Church through the liturgical year, each mystery she sets before our eyes sheds fresh light upon the fundamentals of Passionist life. The beautiful season of Advent now beginning is no exception.
Read MoreAs we approach the glorious feast of our holy founder, St. Paul of the Cross, Mother Catherine Marie has shared a new circular letter.
Read MoreAs Passionists worldwide continue to prepare for the 300th anniversary of the congregation’s foundation, the Passionist men have release a new issue of their Jubilaeum bulletin.
Read MoreWith the array of feasts and the cycle of liturgical seasons, we are never at a loss for things to celebrate, but now the international Passionist family is preparing for a particularly glorious celebration special to our congregation.
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