Big News!

There has been a lot of activity in the cloth room lately … much more activity than usual.
A certain postulant seems to be very eager to join in that work … much more eager than usual.
Everyone seems excited about the end of May … much more excited than usual.
What ever could be the cause of all these happenings?

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Ponder His Passion: "For You"

At the last supper, Jesus offered up His Body and Blood in sacrifice “for you” (see Luke 22:19). I allow those two little words to echo in my own heart: for me … Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection … for me. The Gospel accounts of Christ’s Passion give us seven sayings or seven “words” that Jesus spoke from the Cross, and I hear the “for you” spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper re-echoed there.

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Ponder His Passion: the Passion of a Mother's Heart

In God’s infinite generosity and love, He gives us the dignity of “making up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, on behalf of His body, the Church” by the sufferings of our lives. Nothing is wasted! The first person to share in the sufferings of Christ was His Mother Mary. As we ponder the Passion and seek to be united with Jesus, Mary’s Mother-heart gives us a unique entryway into the sufferings of Christ.

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Breaking Open the Word - 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A (2023)

As anyone who has followed the Lord for some time can attest, there are certain aspects of our Faith that simply cannot be grasped right away. It takes time, prayer, and spiritual growth to ready our hearts for these more mysterious realities. One of the greatest of these mysteries is the wisdom of the Cross – that is, the intimate connection between suffering and love.

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