Breaking Open the Word - Epiphany of the Lord

While the shepherds received a direct and unambiguous revelation from the mouths of angels, the Wise Men were led only by a mysterious star. The shepherds knew exactly where to find Jesus in the cave at Bethlehem; the Magi at first sought the “newborn King of the Jews” in the great city of Jerusalem, where one would expect to find an earthly ruler.

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A Christmastide Cherish the Flame Update

Are we really in the Christmas season already?? 2022 has flown by, and we already find ourselves starting the fourth year of our Cherish the Flame fundraising and building project. Despite all the obstacles posed by the pandemic, inflation, supply-chain issues, and more, the Lord has continued to bless this endeavor in marvelous ways.

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Breaking Open the Word - 4th Sunday of Advent, Year A

He is coming! This refrain re-echoes in the Church’s liturgy throughout the Advent season, but during this final week before Christmas, the expectant Bride of Christ redoubles her enthusiastic expectation. The readings for this Sunday focused in a special way on the First Coming of Christ – the Incarnation – and how God prepared the way for His Son to enter into human history.

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Breaking Open the Word - 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C

Have you ever wondered why religious life is not a Sacrament? The reason is simple: the Sacraments are signs of the Heavenly kingdom, while consecration is the reality of Heavenly life, begun here on earth. As such, while all the Sacraments will ultimately pass away, religious life will endure even in Heaven – because there, every soul is totally consecrated to God!

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