Some of our younger Sisters were recently discussing the process of vocational discernment, and how at times they felt they'd never discover God's plan for them. Someone even comment that she once felt like she belonged to an "Order of Perpetual Discerners."
Read MoreAfter His resurrection He appeared again surrounded with splendor more or less accessible to the senses. His face, His tone of voice were the same. he was the Jesus His friends knew before His death. But His body, now breathed in the region of celestial light which was now in Him
Read More[Consider] Mary in her solitude after the death of Jesus. Jesus was her all. By offering Him she was giving everything to God; she had nothing left. She could with all truth say: 'Consummatum est.'
Read MoreWhat was sufficient for God's justice was not enough for His love. This is the reason why Jesus chose to suffer
Read MoreBlessed time of the last supper in which the chained torrent in the Heart of Jesus burst open! It is the hour of Jesus, the hour of all of us who have had and now have the happiness to eat of that Bread, the pledge of eternal life.
Read MoreOur radio station, featuring programming from EWTN, has changed to a new frequency. You now can tune in to WJOR at 95.5FM.
Read MoreIn our Passionist tradition, we understand “mourning” as a compassionating love for Jesus Crucified, just as Our Lady had for Him as she stood at the foot of the Cross. So, even though black is a color of mourning, it is meant to remind us that we are to compassionate Jesus Crucified and console Him in our daily lives, by a life of love and virtue.
Read MoreThe Gospel of Mark records that after Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, "He entered Jerusalem and went into the temple area. He looked around at everything and, since it was already late, went out to Bethany with the Twelve" (Mk 11:11).
Read MoreThe cloistered life is very important in the world, even today, because cloistered nuns are meant to be signs pointing to the life of the world to come, to remind humanity that this present world is passing away and we are all meant to be journeying to the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Read MoreHoly Week Service Schedule for 2018
Read MoreThe Lenten season of spiritual warfare fought with the weapons of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, is almost at an end. But one recent afternoon...some of our nuns were reminded of a very different sort of war...
Read MoreIt is good to fast for several reasons. We are strengthening our wills so that we don’t just give into every craving of our bodies. We are also acknowledging the primacy of the spiritual dimension. Life is not just about food and material pleasures. Fasting ultimately is meant to raise our minds and hearts above earthly cares and turn them to God.
Read MoreMarch 8-14 is celebrated in the United States as National Catholic Sisters Week, and our diocesan newspaper, The Western Kentucky Catholic, featured women religious from around the diocese in its March issue.
Read MoreQuestion #3: If Jesus has saved us by His Passion, death, and Resurrection, why is it necessary for us to take up our Crosses?Paragraph 1521 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Suffering, a consequence of original sin, acquires a new meaning; it becomes a participation in the saving work of Jesus.”
Read MoreAs we journey into this Lenten season which culminates the the Church's celebration of the Paschal Mystery in the Triduum - a real high-point of the liturgical year for everyone but especially for us as Passionists - we would like to share with you a letter from Fr. Joachim Rego, CP, Superior General, to the worldwide Passionist Family.
Read MoreQuestion #2: If Jesus has died for the salvation of mankind, can we sinful people do anything for our own salvation or that of other souls? Yes, Jesus did die for the salvation of mankind. He redeemed us by His Blood. That was something only He could do since, being God, His Blood had infinite value.
Read MoreQuestion #1: If God, the Holy Trinity, is love, why was the suffering of Jesus in His Passion and death on the Cross necessary for the salvation of mankind? God could have “snapped His fingers” and saved us. Did the Father will that Christ suffer instead? With the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), we can affirm that God is love.
Read MoreToday we find ourselves immersed in the Sacred Passion of the Crucified Christ. It is an immersion into Revelation’s greatest truth…. Wisdom’s greatest enlightenment, Love’s greatest gift. Paul of the Cross says: "...the immersion of the soul in the sea of his most holy passion … is his greatest and most astounding work of divine love.”
Read MoreJanuary 25th brought us the annual celebration of a Gaudeamus Day in honor of our superior, Mother John Mary. Gaudeamus Days are always full of laughter and extra time for sisterly companionship, and this one was no exception. There was plenty of joy and hilarity to be had. And well there should be: gaudeamus is, after all, Latin for "let us rejoice!"
Read MoreA friend of the community once quipped that a postulant is a half-baked nun, while the key word of aspirancy is being "poured out" - like batter! It's an apt analogy for the process of discernment and formation, perhaps even better since our newest smiling face in the monastery has already been enlisted for a few baking projects.
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