Easter Sunday 2018

After His resurrection He appeared again surrounded with splendor more or less accessible to the senses.  His face, His tone of voice were the same.  he was the Jesus His friends knew before His death.  But His body, now breathed in the region of celestial light which was now in Him

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FAQ: Why fast?

It is good to fast for several reasons. We are strengthening our wills so that we don’t just give into every craving of our bodies. We are also acknowledging the primacy of the spiritual dimension. Life is not just about food and material pleasures. Fasting ultimately is meant to raise our minds and hearts above earthly cares and turn them to God.

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Homily for the Solemn Commemoration of the Passion

Today we find ourselves immersed in the Sacred Passion of the Crucified Christ. It is an immersion into Revelation’s greatest truth…. Wisdom’s  greatest enlightenment, Love’s greatest gift. Paul of the Cross says: "...the immersion of the soul in the sea of his most holy passion … is his greatest and most astounding work of divine love.”

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Rise & Shine & Give God the Glory

January 25th brought us the annual celebration of a Gaudeamus Day in honor of our superior, Mother John Mary.  Gaudeamus Days are always full of laughter and extra time for sisterly companionship, and this one was no exception. There was plenty of joy and hilarity to be had.  And well there should be: gaudeamus is, after all, Latin for "let us rejoice!"

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