Come Spouse of Christ - First Profession of Vows of Sr. Maria Faustina, CP

December 8, 2017, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, was a day of great joy for our community at St. Joseph Monastery as we witnessed the consecration of a new Bride of Christ by the profession of the five Passionist Vows--Sr. Maria Faustina of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary.

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Discernment in the Spirit of Advent - Silence

Advent is undoubtedly a time for silence, even if the lived reality of the season is often far from this ideal.  As the liturgy recounts for us the centuries of Israel's wait for the promised Messiah, we are invited to join the vigil.  There is a sense of hush, of the silence and stillness of midnight while we long for the first blush of the "dawn from on high to break upon us" (Lk 1:78)

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Homily from Sr. Maria Faustina's Mass of Religious Profession

On Friday, December 8, our chapel was transformed into a winter wonderland of blue and white as we celebrated the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the first profession of vows of another member of St. Joseph Monastery.  We'd like to share the wonderful homily preached for the occasion by our chaplain, Fr. Lou Caporiccio, CPM!

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Discernment in the Spirit of Advent

Entering Advent, we find ourselves before a banquet of spiritual riches.  In the liturgy and practices of the season, the Church seeks to help up prepare ourselves to encounter Christ anew.  It is a time to recall His coming as an Infant in Bethlehem, to look forward to that final glorious coming upon the clouds, and to receive Him as He desires to be present in the small, daily moments of our lives.

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“Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord” – Passionist Renewal of Vows

After four graced days of retreat (Nov. 17-20), the nuns of our community renewed their vows during the Holy Mass commemorating the Presentation of Mary in the Temple. As we renew our self-offering to God on this feast each year, we ask her intercession help us persevere in faithfulness as handmaids of the Lord and His work of redemption.

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