Jubilaeum - 2nd Sunday of Lent

In our next video on the Seven Sorrows of Mary, Sr. Frances Marie leads us in considering the Second Sorrow: the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. We also continue our series of Jubilaeum Lenten reflections this week with a meditation on the Gospel for this Sunday. What lessons does the Transfiguration of Jesus hold for our lives today?

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Ice and Snow, Bless the Lord!

Mid-February saw our monastery (and most of our region!) receiving a heavy coating of ice and several unusually heavy snows. So what’s a group of nuns to do? Why, make the most of it, of course! For several days, various Sisters could regularly be seen trudging up our hill with our faithful old wooden sled, or perfecting a work of snow sculpture in the courtyard.

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Breaking Open the Word - 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

God’s Word is infinitely rich, and even though we hear the same Scriptures over and over again during the 3-year Lectionary cycle, we will never exhaust their treasures. Sometimes, for instance, familiar passages suddenly come alive with new meaning when we are facing a particular challenge. This was certainly the case for us as we pondered this Sunday’s readings in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Breaking Open the Word - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

St. Paul’s words to the Corinthians are the earliest record of Christian men and women voluntarily foregoing marriage “for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven,” as Our Lord Himself suggested. Nearly two thousand years later, God is still calling people to this special state of life, one that is focused on becoming “holy in body and in spirit.”

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Breaking Open the Word - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

Pope Francis has declared this the “Sunday of the Word of God” – a special time to study the Scriptures and grow in our love for them. This theme inspired the first part of our sharing for this week, as we pondered how each of the readings emphasizes the power of God’s Word in our lives and in salvation history.

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Jubilaeum - A Special Vow

The defining characteristics of the Passionist Congregation is our special vow “to promote devotion to and a grateful remembrance of the Passion of Jesus Christ.” Traditionally, this has been listed as our fourth vow. However, after the Second Vatican Council, which called on religious to embrace their founding charisms in a renewed way, the Passionists moved this distinctive vow to the first place in our profession formula.

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Breaking Open the Word - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

“Jesus looked at him and said, ‘You are Simon …’” What was this “look” of Jesus like? What did the future head of the Apostles see in the eyes of the Incarnate Word on that fateful day? What love, what eagerness was in Jesus’ Heart as He saw the glorious future in store for the simple fisherman before Him!

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Interview About Servant of God Ignatius Spencer, CP

An Anglican clergyman turned Passionist missionary, this remarkable man gave up enormous wealth and prestige (he was related to the Royal Family!) to follow the call of God. His tireless work in building churches, preaching missions, and promoting Christian unity has left an indelible mark on the Church in England. We hope you enjoy this interview as much as we did!

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