Blessed Lent to All!


On this Ash Wednesday, we enter into the sacred season of Lent which summons us all deeper into the paschal mystery of Jesus, deeper into His Gospel of repentance, renewal, and ultimate triumph over sin and death. The Lord invites us, out of the burning love of His Heart, to come with Him into the desert, where He longs to speak to our hearts, where He desires to enkindle, nurture, and strengthen our love for Him in this age-old trysting place of solitude, silence, and discipline.

This Lent, in the midst of our Tricentennial Jubilee, Passionist Superior General Fr. Joachim Rego invites us to embrace the call to renewal especially as Passionists, disciples of the Crucified Christ.

I send you fraternal greetings as we begin the journey of Lent – the goal of which is our ongoing and deeper response to the call of Jesus to CONVERSION: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel” (Mk. 1:15).

The call to ‘repent’ is a spiritual call to newness and renewal of mind and heart, shaped by the values of the Gospel. This time is an opportunity for us to deepen our call to discipleship…. Because of our human frailty, we know that conversion and renewal of mind and heart is a daily constant need…and it is a grace from our patient and loving God freely available for anyone who genuinely seeks this “pearl of great price”. However, it does not come easily, without some effort on our part. The call to conversion and repentance is always in the context of our relationship with God: invitation and response – a two-way engagement.

Lent is our yearly journey with our Bridegroom up the hill of Calvary, to the marriage bed of the Cross, where we are ever more profoundly united to our Spouse and brought with Him — in His arms — into the bosom of the Father and the triumph of the Resurrection.

Our Passionist Fathers are putting together a series of prayer guides for our Jubilee journey through Lent, drawing on some of the themes from St. Paul of the Cross’ 40-day retreat in Castellazzo. The first can be accessed below. Please know that we carry each of you in our hearts and prayers during this journey together. May Lent 2021 be filled with the Lord’s blessings and graces in your lives!