Good News of Great Joy!

Dear friends, I bring to you glad tidings of a much-anticipated event … we have officially moved in to our new Holy Family Wing!!!

The surreal feeling of actually living in these spaces is hard to describe. We’ve been praying, planning, and working for so long, that it’s hard to believe that the new wing is a reality! And let’s not forget the Retreat House renovations, which numerous retreatants have already begun to enjoy.

On August 3rd, we held a Solemn Blessing ceremony for our community and some benefactors and friends. It was a glorious occasion! Aside from a few “odds and ends” that our General Contractor will be tying up over the next weeks, Phase III of our Cherish the Flame project is now complete.

So what’s next? I invite you to check out our Building Campaign Page to read about Phase IV (the FINAL phase!), which will consist of a major renovation of our refectory and kitchen areas. Plans are being fine-tuned, and we hope to begin that work at the end of this year. We’re also working to raise the last $450,000 of the funds needed to complete this project (including a much-needed revamp of our geothermal HVAC system, necessitated by the new addition!) We’re in the home stretch, and we ask your help in crossing the finish line!

In the meantime, we’re basking in the joy of our new community spaces - and in NOT running into workmen around every corner of the cloister! To give you a little taste of the celebratory mood, we wanted to share with you a slew of pictures from our blessing ceremony, as well as a photo-tour of the completed Retreat House renovations and Holy Family Wing. Thanks be to God, to good St. Joseph, and to each and every one of YOU for making this dream come true!!


Note: PayPal retains 3% of all donations as a fee for their services.

Blessing Ceremony

Virtual Tour


Be sure to Mark your calendars for
April 26-27, 2025 (Divine Mercy weekend),
when we’ll be having two days of Open House and a special Mass to officially close out our entire project!

Note: PayPal retains 3% of all donations as a fee for their services.

Panorama of the Chapter Room