Passionist Nuns

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A Landscaping Adventure

For the past several years, our friends Terry and Jean (from Henderson KY) have been assisting us with landscaping projects around our grounds. They’ve helped to beautify our Retreat House/chapel area, our front gate, and most recently, our entrance sign. For years we’ve been trying to “spruce up” the plants and rocks that were already there, but things just weren’t working out. So this spring, Jean, Terry, and an army of other generous volunteers helped to give that area an “extreme makeover!”

The work wasn’t just limited to the landscaping, either — the sign itself received a good sanding by our Cherish the Flame general contractor Rick Bivins and his son Luke, and the lettering was re-painted by our Sister Isabel Maria. What’s more, an anonymous donor has volunteered to donate the materials and labor to replace the white metal “caps” on the sign AND the front gate with real stone!

We are overwhelmed by the generosity of so many good people whom God continues to send our way. Whether time, talent, treasure, or prayers, your gifts mean the world to us. May the good Lord bless and reward you a hundredfold!

P.S. — Say a little prayer for our second group of “Marys” who begin their 8-day retreat today, and for the “Marthas” who are keeping the monastery running in the meantime!