50 Years a Bride of Christ!
Sr. Mary Veronica as a Junior Professed Nun (1974)
On April 29th, our beloved Sr. Mary Veronica celebrated her Golden Jubilee of Passionist Profession —50 years as a bride of Jesus Crucified! The past 23 of those years have been spent as Novice Directress, a role that fits her like a glove. The little girl who once wanted “as many children as a house can hold” is now the spiritual mother of countless young women who have spent time under her tutelage in our novitiate.
This legacy of spiritual motherhood formed a special part of our Gaudeamus Day in her honor on May 8th. Of course, we also had to include some other Jubilee traditions … a gourmet menu, a newly-composed skit, and a golden “wheelbarrow” wheelchair to take Sister from place to place around the monastery! It was a day full of joyful sisterhood, heartfelt gratitude, and flowers galore (Sister Mary Veronica is our garden aficionado, after all!).
Enjoy some photos from the special occasion, and join us in giving thanks to God for the gift of Sister Mary Veronica’s “yes” to His call!

“Behold, I and the children God has given me!”
Sr. Mary Veronica with some of her spiritual daughters