Triennial Community Elections 2019
Every three years we hold community elections for the offices of Superior, Vicar, three councilors, and the novice directress. After three days of extra prayer invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit (during our Pentecost novena, no less!), the Capitulars cast their ballots on June 7, 2019 and chose the leadership of our community for the next three years. We are so blessed by God’s providence for our community. Here are the newly-elected nuns:
Sr. Mary Andrea (1st Councilor); Mother John Mary (Superior); Sr. Cecilia Maria (3rd Councilor); Sr. Mary Veronica (Vicar and Novice Directress); Sr. Mary Magdalen (2nd Councilor)
Please pray for them, that they may led by the Holy Spirit in these roles of service as they help our community to follow God’s will for us as Passionist contemplative nuns!