New Oblates Make Their Act of Oblation
Front row l to r : Mary Lou Payne, Martha Kauffeld, Mother Catherine Marie CP, Pat Ijames, Fr. Fred Sucher, Sue and Dan Howard, Debbie Stiff, Anna Jean Wathen, Judy Roby, Mildred Harrington.
Back row l to r : Peter Armendarez, Charlie Pickrell, June Hayden, Donna Feldpausch, Marti Castlen, Dorothy Edge, Christie Swanson, Carol Hulsey, Lou Mattingly, Msgr. Bernard Powers, Debra Carter, Veda Mattingly, Kathy Thomas, Tom Carter, Susan Stallings, Gene Boehmann.
“Let us give thanks to God our Father who has graced our brothers and sisters in Christ Crucified with the call of sharing the mission of the Passionist Congregation.” Thus Fr. Frederick Sucher, C.P. began the Oblate Commitment Mass on Sunday, June 26, 2005. These dedicated Oblates had taken part in a three year formation course to prepare themselves to make this Passionist commitment.
The Passionist Oblates are an Association of Christ’s Faithful affiliated with our monastery. Now in their ninth year, the Oblate community totals 39 active members, 4 inactive and 3 deceased.
Fr. Frederick, a much loved Passionist priest and dear friend of our monastery, works extensively with various groups of Passionist laity associated with monasteries of the vowed Passionists in the U.S.
On August 12, 2003, Angela Thompson was the first of this group to make her Act of Oblation. She died several months later on the Feast of Christ the King after suffering from cancer. Angie loved our Lord much and was ready to go home to Him. Her holy life and death continue to be a source of inspiration to all of us.
Joe Castlen, Jr., unable to participate in the Oblate retreat, made his Passionist commitment in his own home. Joe is pictured here with Jane Akers, his now deceased sister.
Janet Nemec (right) of Ellisville MO drives monthly to Whitesville for the Oblate meeting, often in company with Associate Oblate, Evelyn Burgess. Janet, missing in the photo above, also made her Passionist Commitment on Sunday, June 26.