Passionist Nuns

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In Union with the National Eucharistic Congress

This Wednesday marked the beginning of a momentous occasion for the U.S. Catholic Church - the 10th National Eucharistic Congress! This “climax” of the National Eucharistic Revival has brought 50,000 Catholics to Indianapolis, IN for 5 intense days of prayer, fellowship, and learning about our incredible Faith. Attendees have the opportunity to participate in Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and praise and worship music, as well as hear powerful talks and testimonies by renowned speakers.

So what of those who are excited about this event, but can’t make it to Indianapolis … for instance, cloistered contemplative nuns?? Well, thanks to modern technology, EWTN is bringing the Congress to us: the entire event is being live-streamed online!

As our horarium allows, we have been watching some of the Masses, talks, and Adoration/revival sessions. And we can assure you — God’s grace hasn’t been limited by the “remote” nature of our participation! We are ever more aware of the connection between our hidden vocation and the life of the Church, both in our nation and around the world. Please join us in praying for all those attending the Congress, and for an abundance of lasting spiritual fruit for the Church in America!

P.S. Our “remote participation” has also been lived out in some spiritual warfare this week, as a number of different sufferings, challenges, and malfunctions have been converging on our community. We have the feeling that we are fighting on the front lines in a battle for all the souls being saved and transformed by Our Eucharistic Lord this week!!!