Big News!
“I have found Him Whom my heart loves!”
In recent weeks, we have noticed some strange behavior on the part of our novice, Sr. Miriam Esther. She seems to have suddenly developed a passion for hemming large rectangles of black material … she has been licking an unusual number of envelopes, with even more than her customary gusto … and she can frequently be seen peering into a particular empty cell in the professed Sisters’ wing.
Yes, you guessed it, Sr. Miriam Esther was recently accepted to make her First Profession!
On October 30th, her years of novitiate formation will reach their completion and climax as she makes the five Passionist Vows, receiving her Passion Sign and the black veil of a professed nun. This begins the five-year period of juniorate, during which Sister will start taking on more responsibilities in the community while continuing to study and prepare for final vows.
Please keep Sister in your prayers as her wedding day with the Lord draws near!