Thank you, Good St. Joseph!
St. Joseph presides over the current re-roofing efforts… and the whole building project. (artwork: pencil on paper by Sr. Frances Marie, CP)
We are in the midst of our annual novena to good St. Joseph, our monastery’s faithful patron and protector, and we would be remiss if we did not give him credit for his current intercession in our Cherish the Flame building campaign. Ever since the Lord first brought the project to our attention, we have entrusted the practical needs to St. Joseph, and this dear father of the Holy Family is once again proving his powerful intercession with his divine Son.
Despite the fact that our fundraising has coincided with a global pandemic and a wild economic rollercoaster, we have already raised nearly half of the funds needed for the whole $3.6 Million project! To us, this success has been yet another proof that our building and renovation project is truly the Lord’s work. We have been amazed at the many benefactors whom he has moved to contribute to our campaign, and we give thanks every day for their loving and faith-filled generosity.
Do you feel called to help fan the flame of Passionist life at St. Joseph Monastery? Click on over to our Cherish the Flame webpage to find out how you can get involved with this important campaign!
Prayer to St. Joseph
for Our Building Project
O glorious St. Joseph, you who have power to render possible things that are for us impossible, come to our aid in our present need. Take our construction and renovation project under your particular care, that it may end happily.
O dear St. Joseph, all our confidence is in you. Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain; and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary, show that your goodness equals your power. Amen.