A Prayer from the Heart of a Church in Exile

In the book of Daniel we find this heartbroken prophet unable to pray in the Temple of God yet he continues in earnest supplication, trusting that God will hear him as he humbly submits to this great deprivation that the Lord has allowed. 

So many of us, exiled from our houses of prayer and communal worship during this pandemic, can relate deeply with Daniel these days. From our hearts we pray:


O Lord, we know that you are Lord of all and nothing happens without your permission.  In your love, wisdom and power you are always able to bring a greater good out of whatever evil you permit. 
The rejection, crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ is the absolute reassurance that no evil is beyond your power to redeem. 
Today we humbly submit in obedience and a spirit of faith to the many restrictions, inconveniences and hardships being imposed upon us by both civil and religious authorities in their effort to protect us against the spread of the corona virus. 
Protect us from the spirit of rebellion that would close our hearts to receive all that you desire to give us at this time.  Inspire our people with a great spirit of generosity in helping one another as best they can.  Grant to those in authority the light and prudence they need to make wise decisions.  May we all come through this crises having drawn closer to You and to one another. 
Heavenly Father, we ask this through Christ our Lord. 