A New Postulant!
On Friday, November 1, we had the great joy of welcoming a new postulant into our monastic community! Kathryn officially entered the monastery just before the community gathered for the special sung Midmorning Prayer for the Solemnity of All Saints. Here are a few pictures, along with excerpts from Mother John Mary’s exhortation to the new postulant.
Kathryn kneels and asks to enter the monastery as a postulant.
“Why have you come to the monastery?
I give you the Benedictine answer: you came to seek God. And the Passionist answer: a crucified God, madly in love with you. It is very simple, isn’t it?”
“As you leave the world this day, you bring all your loved ones with you to the monastery… all their needs and their intentions which have been entrusted to you.”
Kathryn with her mom, Zena. Her dad, Ron, and sister, Suzanne, also accompanied her to the monastery.
Aspirant Allison, postulant Kathryn, novice Sr. Miriam Esther, and aspirant Abbey
“Kathryn, the door to Passionist life was opened to you this morning. I [Mother John Mary], in the name of this monastic community, and the Church, bid you to enter. The Lord bids you to enter. And so you have entered this holy nest of the doves of Crucified Love. We, your sisters, accompany you; we raise you, and your dear loved ones, to our Lord in prayer.”