Nun Labor on Labor Day

Sr. Cecilia Maria and Sr. Maria Andrea present their gifts of a poem by Mother Mary Francis PCC and homemade stationery

Sr. Cecilia Maria and Sr. Maria Andrea present their gifts of a poem by Mother Mary Francis PCC and homemade stationery

On this Labor Day I thought I would share with you some of the "labors of love" our creative nuns have come up with this year.

This is a great poem for cloistered nuns!

This is a great poem for cloistered nuns!

Another handmade item by Sr. Cecilia Maria.

Another handmade item by Sr. Cecilia Maria.

Once when she was working on this outdoors a honey bee actually came and landed on a flower!

Once when she was working on this outdoors a honey bee actually came and landed on a flower!

Breath-taking image of Our Lady of Sorrows drawn by Sr. Rose Marie

Breath-taking image of Our Lady of Sorrows drawn by Sr. Rose Marie



Rosary pouches! A new endeavor that we hope to make available some time soon through our on-line gift shop.

Rosary pouches! A new endeavor that we hope to make available some time soon through our on-line gift shop.

More Rosary pouches coming. Once we have about 100 made we will make them available on-line.

More Rosary pouches coming. Once we have about 100 made we will make them available on-line.

Elizabeth is trying a new design - see the pink one in her hand - it is a pouch with a draw-string.

Elizabeth is trying a new design - see the pink one in her hand - it is a pouch with a draw-string.

Rosaries for the rosary pouches

Rosaries for the rosary pouches


Afghan by Sr. John Mary. Elizabeth made some squares and created the Passion sign!


Created by Nora for Mother Catherine Marie. Made of quotes from St. John Paul II's Ecclesiae de Eucharistia.

By the way...Mother Catherine Marie gave a vacation day to us today! Therefore, we have been dispensed from all unnecessary work (meaning some nuns still had to answer door, phone and prep a simple meal, etc.) so as to be free for personal activities such as study, arts and crafts, working in the gardens, etc. The Lord has been giving us LOTS of rain lately which makes for good weeding of flower gardens.  In an upcoming post I hope to share with you some of the various types of mushrooms we have around here and with all the rain they are quite plentiful this year!