Heterogeneous Monastery Photos

Isn't that a neat word? - heterogeneous!  Meaning "different in kind, unlike, incongruous"...I thought that a good description of the photos in this post. Really, I was just wracking my brain to think of a unique name for this post and happened upon this word. Please keep us Sisters in your prayers...the Marthas of a few weeks ago are now the Marys. That's right - half the Sisters are beginning 8 day solitude retreat Saturday through Pentecost Vigil - while the other half keep the monastery running - hopefully the kitchen will survive - the 3 junior professed sisters have taken over...


Some monasteries news...


Nothing like putting a meal on the table for the Nuns and also baking some bread for a feastday breakfast.  Mmmm...delicious!


Several weeks ago we celebrated Mother Catherine Marie's feast day (St. Catherine of Siena) with a lovely Gaudeamus day.


Sr. Mary Therese surprised Mother and all of us with about 7 new oil paintings!  I think some of them might be put in our on-line gift shop so stay posted.


Sr. Cecilia Maria presents Mother Catherine Marie with the "first fruits" of her peppermint and spearmint plants. We are enjoying fresh mint tea!


One can't outdo the Superior in generosity - Mother Catherine Marie has treats for all the Sisters, with the blessing of our Eucharistic Jesus - Lord of our House.


Sr. John Mary presents Mother with some note cards made from cartoons drawn by a recently deceased sister of our Passionist Nuns in Japan - Sr. Maria Dolores.



Recently we were invaded by the Niehaus clan (Sr. Mary Andrea's family) who helped move and stack wood. Sr. John Mary's brother also joined in on the fun. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! ! !


Thanks to our dear Passionist brother in Christ - Fr. Giuseppe Barbieri, C.P. - we have these photos from Easter day.


Christie and Sr. Ann Miriam have a transfiguration moment.


These smiles show forth the joy of being brides of Christ and living a life of love in the heart of the Church.



I hope you enjoyed this little highlight from the past couple of months.  God-willing and the creek don't rise (which it is currently doing with all the rain we are getting) I will write another post with photos of our grounds during this beautiful Spring weather.  Please join us in praying for good planting weather for our farmers!