Passionist Vocation Brochures Available
Easter greetings to all our friends! Sorry I abandoned the internet world right at the Sacred Triduum. We had a profound experience of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Divine Bridegroom. We are still celebrating with Alleluias and the lovely Regina Coeli! Would any of you be interested in distributing some of our vocation brochures? Here is a PDF version.
front cover
brochure when half way open
Yes, our brochure is "outdated" now with the election of Pope Francis. This is another reason why we would like to get these distributed quickly.
Opened brochure
back side of brochure
If you are interested, please leave your name, address and phone number, number of brochures to send and a brief explanation of how you would use them in the comment box below. If I publish the comment to the blog I won't publish your contact info.
OKAY - OUR COMMENT BOX ISN'T WORKING - you can contact us through our vocation email address: vocations(at)passionistnuns(dot)org.
God reward you for promoting Passionist life!