News of our Passionist Fathers & Brothers

Passionists in the news...

August 17 brought a four-fold blessing to the Holy Cross Province - FOUR new novices!  Alleluia!  Please do keep them in your prayers.


Four novices in front row: Glenn Bisquera, David Kojak, Antonio Aquino and Juan Gonzalez. May our Holy Founder intercede powerfully for them! 


August also brought us the blessing of two new friends from afar - Fr. Gregor Lenzen, Passionist of Germany (at left), and Fr. Emery, diocesan priest of Austria but teaching at Mundelein Seminary.


We were glad to learn about the Church abroad and particularly our Passionists in Germany/Austria.


September 28 brought a new Superior General to the Passionist Congregation, Fr. Joachim Rego, CP. Please pray for him and his Consulters as they begin their 6-year term in service of the Congregation.


Click here for a recap of the Passionist General Chapter which just concluded this past weekend October 7th.