From the Mundane to the Sublime
Well, I though I shouldn't leave the blog for long with the subject of chiggers ending the last post! So, I shall seek to speak of more sublime things in this post. With great joy we welcomed one of the Church's newest priests - long-time friend from our diocese - Fr. Austin Dominic (Jared) Litke, OP (Dominican Friar of St. Joseph Province). Offering Mass for us was one of his top priorities upon his arrival home last week. What a blessing that was for us!
Pictured here with the fabulous cake made by our dear friend Larena Lawson
This is the holy image Fr. Austin used for his ordination card. Father was delighted to be able to use this picture as it is a perfect summation of his priestly ordination.
Found at the Boston Public Library. . . This Crucifix is a small model for a part of a wall showing 'The Dogma of Redemption'. Figures of Adam and Eve at either side of the cross collect Christ's blood, and below his feet is a traditional symbol of the resurrection, a pelican feeding its young with its blood. Notice also the serpent wrapped around Adam's feet and those of Jesus and that the nail going through Jesus' feet also goes through the serpent...a very meaningful meditation.
Speaking of new ordinands...Sr. John Mary's brother Jeff Read is preparing to be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate for the Diocese of Evansville (Indiana) this Saturday, June 18th at 10 a.m. Please do keep him and his co-seminarian Brian Emmick in your prayers.
Prayer for Seminarians and Priests
O Jesus, You are the Eternal High Priest. You are the only Mediator between God and man. You have established priests as Your collaborators to perpetuate in the Holy Mass, the saving Sacrifice of Your death on the Cross and to sanctify souls through their ministry. You have chosen Your priests from among us. For so great a gift to Your Church, we give you praise and thanksgiving.
We ask You to fill Jeff Read and Brian Emmick with the fire of Your love, that his ministry may reveal Your presence in the world. Since he is an earthen vessel, we pray that Your power shine out through his human weakness. In his afflictions let him never be crushed; in his doubts, never despair; in temptation, never be destroyed; in persecution, never abandoned. Inspire him to live each day the mystery of Your dying and rising. By the power of the Holy Spirit put Your word on his lips, Your humility in his heart, Your love in his actions, to bring good news to the poor and healing to the broken-hearted.
And may the gift of Mary, Your Mother, to the disciple whom You loved (cf. John 19), be Your gift to Jeff. Grant that she who formed You in her human image may form Jeff in Your Divine Image, by the power of your Spirit, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
More good of Sr. Mary Andrea's sisters, Theresa, was recently accepted to work with FOCUS, a wonderful Catholic college ministry. Please pray for her. She has just graduated from college and is heading off for FOCUS training. Thank you Theresa for saying "yes" to Jesus' call in your life!
This Thursday will bring us a belated Gaudeamus celebration of Mother Catherine Marie's feastday (St. Catherine of Siena - April 29th). We hope it will be a day of joy and grace for Mother!
And the news many of you have been waiting to hear... drum roll please... YES! Our novice, Sister Rose Marie of the Merciful Heart of Jesus, has been accepted to make her First Profession of the five Passionist Vows! Praise the Lord!!! Please keep her and us in your prayers. Lots of preparations must take place between now and the big day - July 1st. And most importantly...pray for Sister as Jesus prepares her to be His bride.
Today is Pentecost! Veni Sancte Spiritus! Veni Per Miriam!