A Glimpse of our Triduum
The sacred services of Holy Week should be celebrated in a special manner by the Daughters of the Most Holy Passion of our Redeemer and with the greatest recollection, compunction and devotion.
~ The Regulations of 1790
A Sister in prayer before the altar of repose during solemn adoration on Holy Thursday evening.
During the Holy Week Triduum, we maintain a spirit of special silence and solitude. All of Holy Thursday is free for prayer. During the evening, we keep watch before the Blessed Sacrament, at least two at a time. The hours are drawn by lot. Solemn adoration ends at midnight, but the watches continue until the signal for rising on Good Friday.
On Good Friday, the noon recreation is dispensed in order that we may have freedom to spend the sacred hours from twelve to three o'clock with Jesus in His agony on the cross. In the evening, we spend a half hour in prayer in union with our Sorrowful Mother in her loneliness after the death and burial of Jesus.
~The Regulations of 2000