Feast of the Precious Blood

Come, let us adore Christ the Son of God,
who redeemed us by His blood!
Passionists the world over celebrate the Feast of the Precious Blood on July 1st. As you probably already know the entire month of July is devoted to the Precious Blood our Divine Spouse, shed for us in His most Sacred Passion. We have an entire Office for this Feast in our Passionist Liturgy of the Hours. The following is a quote from the apostolic letter Inde A Primis by Blessed John XXIII which is part of a larger excerpt used in the 2nd reading of the Office of Readings.
Since the value of the blood of the God-man, Jesus Christ, is infinite, and the love which moved him to shed it is infinite, it is not only fitting but highly proper that all those born again in its salutary torrents pay it the homage of adoration and grateful love.
As Passionists we also have a devotion called the Offerings of the Precious Blood. It is very similar to the prayers of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy...we are encouraged to make these offerings throughout the day and several times per week we pray this prayer communally with our arms extended.
Offerings of the Precious Blood
Eternal Father,
I offer Thee
the precious blood of Jesus
in atonement for my sins,
or the Church,
for the conversion of sinners,
the souls in purgatory
and to promote devotion to His Sacred Passion.
I encourage you to make this prayer as you go about your daily duties, offering to our loving Father the sacred Passion of His Son, extending the graces of the Holy Mass through out the day. And let us especially pray for our country as we near the upcoming elections. May our loving and compassion High Priest intercede before the Father for our Nation!
P.S. Thanks to all who sent the lovely comments. I hope to answer some of the questions that have been asked regarding our Foundresses and also to share more info about our formation, the types of classes we take here in the monastery, etc. I'm still catching up from being out of the office! :)
Happy Feast Day!