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Novena for the Assumption of Mary - Day 5

  • Passionist Nuns 8564 Crisp Road Whitesville, KY, 42378 United States (map)

O Mary, Mother of God, the day of your Assumption was the great day of your triumph.  After the triumph of your Divine Son on the day of His Ascension, there never was nor ever will be, a triumph like that which you enjoyed on this day.  When Jesus had finished the work of our redemption by His labors, suffering and death, He entered into His glory and took His seat at the right hand of the Eternal Father.  He is Sovereign Master of the universe and Supreme Judge of the living and the dead.  In your triumph, as Mother of the Incarnate Word, having perfectly surrender to the great designs of God upon you, having acquired immense merits by the practice of all the virtues, and having reached the highest holiness, you were assumed body and soul into heaven.  Angels came to escort you.  You were borne aloft to the Father’s house.  You passed high above all the choirs of angels and approached the throne of light prepared for you.  Your beloved Son welcomed you with joy.  What songs of gladness were sung as you were crowned by the Blessed Trinity and made Queen of heaven and earth, advocate of the human race, and dispenser of the graces of Redemption!

O Mary, assumed into heaven, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother of men, we believe with all the fervor of our faith in your triumphal Assumption into Heaven, body and soul, where you are acclaimed as Queen by all the choirs of angels, and the countless multitude of saints. We unite with them in thanking and praising God who has exalted you above all the heavenly hosts. 

In your mercy, dearest Mother, look down upon our miseries and our sorrows, upon our struggles and our weaknesses. Help us to remain pure in mind and body, to bear the crosses of life, and to live and die in close union with your Divine Son. Intercede with Him on our behalf, and obtain the graces and favors we ask in this Novena (here mention your requests). 

O Mary conceived without sin,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.