It’s been quite a while since we gave any updates on the progress of our construction, hasn’t it? It seems like it’s about time we remedied that situation …
Read MoreAre we really in the Christmas season already?? 2022 has flown by, and we already find ourselves starting the fourth year of our Cherish the Flame fundraising and building project. Despite all the obstacles posed by the pandemic, inflation, supply-chain issues, and more, the Lord has continued to bless this endeavor in marvelous ways.
Read MoreWith everything going on with the Cherish the Flame project, it’s been over a year since we sent out a newsletter dedicated to community updates! However, that’s not to say it’s been an uneventful 13 months …
Read MoreWe have received a number of questions about terms we have used in speaking about our Cherish the Flame building project — and we’re not surprised, since many of them are words that are rarely heard outside a monastic context! We hope this fun little “glossary” will help to fill in the blanks.
Read More… Most excitingly, the steel “skeleton” for the archways was installed a few weeks ago, giving us a clearer picture of what the finished product will look like. It is thrilling to see our dream taking shape before our eyes, and we are beyond grateful to all those who continue to make this project possible by their time, talent, treasure, and prayers!
Read MoreAt long last … photos of the official groundbreaking ceremony for our cloister walkways and Holy Family Wing! It was a joyous occasion and a perfect climax to Mother John Mary’s Silver Jubilee celebrations. Our fundraising goal is within reach, and it is so exciting to see work trucks in our yard again!
Read MoreMost people would be upset to discover wheel ruts, deep holes, and debris in their yards … but this week, we are VERY happy to see just that, since it means that excavation has begun for our cloister walkways!!
Read MoreWe are overjoyed to announce that the long-anticipated groundwork for our cloister walkways will begin after Labor Day. With hearts full of gratitude, we offer our deep thanks to all our friends and benefactors who have brought us to this point
Read MoreWe are so close to reaching the matching grant, so close to that $200,000 boost to our building and renovation efforts which are so needed to support the Passionist contemplative life of our growing, multigenerational community. Will you help us in our efforts to fan this flame of love here in western Kentucky?
Read MoreUnlike the elections most people are familiar with, a monastic election does not involve campaigning, lobbying, or opposing parties seeking to gain power and influence. Quite the contrary! The members of the Chapter are seeking to choose the leadership that God Himself wills for the community in the coming three years.
Read MoreWe are always excited to bring you a new edition of our newsletter, “From the Foot of the Cross.” However, this time we are particularly eager, because of the BIG NEWS we’re sharing about our Cherish the Flame Campaign!
Read MoreWell, it finally happened. Last week, two and a half years after the COVID-19 pandemic first gripped the globe, the pesky virus found its way into our cloister. Please keep our community in prayer as we take our turn carrying this unique cross!
Read MoreVisitors to our monastery have long admired the huge cross in front of our chapel — 100 feet of stainless steel, proclaiming to the world that Jesus Crucified is our very life. Recently, however, our giant cross has acquired a smaller — but no less striking! — companion.
Read MoreOur generous friend, Gail Pitt of Dovehouse Ministries, wanted to help us with our Cherish the Flame fundraising. Her idea? A cookbook with favorite recipes from the monastery and retreat house!
Read MoreAs most of you probably already know, Western Kentucky was ravaged by severe tornadoes last Friday night/Saturday morning. Thanks be to God, our monastery was spared and all the nuns are safe — however, for many others in this part of the country, the damage was catastrophic and even deadly.
Read MoreAs Thanksgiving day nears, we here at St. Joseph Monastery have many reasons to be grateful. Thanks to the intercession of St. Joseph and the generosity of our many benefactors, we have a BEAUTIFUL NEW ROOF on the entire monastery, Retreat House, and chapel!!
Read MoreIt has been quite a while since we’ve shared a community newsletter — but this latest 16-page edition is chock-full of exciting and beautiful things that have been happening over the past year! Even in the midst of the many challenges facing us today, the Lord continues to show His love and providence in marvelous ways.
Read MoreThe VISION Vocation Network recently published an online article about retreat centers run by different religious communities around the U.S. and Great Britain. Among the places featured was our own Retreat House here at St. Joseph’s Monastery!
Read MoreOver the past two months, our Helmings crew has been hard at work, becoming more and more efficient with each section of roof completed. With the public areas all but finished, they have turned now to the monastery roof proper. Tile saws, drills, dump trucks, and heavy boots tramping overhead have become a familiar sound in the cloister these days!
Read MoreWe welcome with joy our newest aspirant, Hannah, who on Pentecost Sunday entered formally into this period of deeper discernment with our community! Women in our aspirancy program continue to live in the world for at least 12 months, but they also come for live-in visits to the monastery and begin taking classes with our Novice Directress, Sr. Mary Veronica.
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